Zlatá Koruna

Info about Zlatá Koruna, Jihočeský kraj (Czechia)

Zlatá Koruna region is Jihočeský kraj, Okres Český Krumlov, situated in Czechia (CZ).

latitude is 48.8547700, and longitude 14.3695400.

With 797 inhabitants, this region timezone is Europe/Prague (Europe/Prague_cet).

Zlatá Koruna is considered one of the top destinations for kayaking, canoeing, paddle in Czechia.


More details about Zlatá Koruna in Czechia (CZ)

Population of Zlatá Koruna is 797 people, if we consider 2019 census. It’s zip code is 381 01, this is why if you want to send anything to your friends by post from Zlatá Koruna this can be done by using 381 01 zip code as described above.

Zlatá Koruna size is 8 sq. kilometers so it should be quitely relaxing place a good solution for people that are interested in small cities for a good base location to stay, a calm countryside with no loudness that characterizes large metropolis. If you stay here you can find cheap accommodations because of Zlatá Koruna low rooms rates, so this is why you and your travel companions can have Zlatá Koruna as a base in order to visit all Czechia or Zlatá Koruna near places.

Its elevation above sea level, or meters above sea level (MASL), is about 473 mt. Because of this this city is the perfect trip destination if you and your friends love high land to go to for your next trip and want to do adventure in the nature when tripping abroad.

If you want to visit places near to Zlatá Koruna you can travel to cities like Srnín, Mojné, Holubov, Dolní Třebonín, Přísečná. This is why you and your friends can effortlessly reach those near surroundings to see new places in Czechia.

If you want extra info for Zlatá Koruna see their website http://www.zlatakoruna.cz/.

Zlatá Koruna things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • kayaking, canoeing, paddle.

    Interactive Zlatá Koruna (Czechia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Zlatá Koruna, Jihočeský kraj Okres Český Krumlov Czechia (CZ).