Info about Choletria, (Cyprus)
Other names for Choletria are Choletria, Holetria, Kholetria, Χολέτρια, latitude is 34.7632300, and its longitude is 32.5988000.
With a population of 264 residents, its timezone is Asia/Nicosia (Asia/Nicosia_cet).
In Choletria you can enjoy activities like valleys, statues in Cyprus.
More details about Choletria in Cyprus (CY)
Choletria has timezone UTC+02:00 (valid for standard time).
In Choletria there are 264 residents, if we consider 2011 last census. It’s postal code is 8526, for this reason, for sending postcards to your friends on your travel this can be done by using this postal code as per description above.
Choletria dimensions are 7 square km., for this reason Choletria should be relatively relaxing place amazing location for travelers that like relaxing cities for a quiet base on a travel, a calm city without loudness common of big cities. Here you can save money due to its economic accommodation prices, and this is why you can have Choletria as basecamp to move across Cyprus and Choletria near things to do.
Its altitude above mean sea level, also called meters above sea level (MASL), is over 150 mt. That’s why Choletria a perfect place if you and your friends want flat land to travel to in your next vacation.
Cities near Choletria that you can visit are for example Stavrokonnou, Mamonia, Souskiou, Phinikas, Nata. This is why you may effortlessly reach those other destinations to visit for new Cyprus adventures.
If you are searching for extra information for Choletria you can visit their website
Choletria things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Choletria (Cyprus) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Choletria, Cyprus (CY).