
Info about Pérgamos, (Cyprus)

Pérgamos is also called Beyarmudu, Pergama, Pergamos, Pérgamos, Πέργαμος, Пергамос, latitude is 35.0416700, and longitude is 33.7083300.

With 1.190 residents, this place timezone is Asia/Nicosia (Asia/Nicosia_cet).

Pérgamos is considered one of the top destinations for towers in Cyprus.


More details about Pérgamos in Cyprus (CY)

Population of Pérgamos is 1.190 citizens, according to 1973 last census.

Its elevation above mean sea level, or meters above mean sea level (MAMSL) counts 85 meters. Because of this this city is an ideal place when you and your partner want plain areas to visit for your next travel.

Pérgamos things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • towers.

    Interactive Pérgamos (Cyprus) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Pérgamos, Cyprus (CY).