Info about Tarrafal de São Nicolau, (Cabo Verde)
Tarrafal de São Nicolau is also called Tarrafal, latitude is 16.5662200, and its longitude -24.3579300.
With a population of 5.237 residents, its timezone is Atlantic/Cape_Verde (Atlantic/Cape_Verde_cet).
Things you can do if you travel to Tarrafal de São Nicolau are countryside, islands, hunting, desert, religious sites, farms, architectural buildings, forest, caves, clubs, secret, slopes, amusement parks, playgrounds, trail running, towers, ancient ruins, churches in all Cabo Verde.
More details about Tarrafal de São Nicolau in Cabo Verde (CV)
It’s population is 5.237 residents, according to 2010 last census.
Its meters above sea level, that is meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is under 562 meters. Because of this it is the perfect place if you and your friends want tall ground to visit in your next vacation and love climbing if on holiday to see a new place.
There are also other near cities you can visit, beautiful cities like Ribeira Brava Municipality. Because of this you could in few time go to these near destinations to visit to see other destinations in Cabo Verde.
If you are looking for sea, rivers, lakes in Tarrafal de São Nicolau. Destinations like Atlantic Ocean must be visited when you are interested in destinations with water.
If you need information about this city please check their official website
Tarrafal de São Nicolau things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Tarrafal de São Nicolau (Cabo Verde) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Tarrafal de São Nicolau, Cabo Verde (CV).